Update: Turkish helicopter crash 3 confirmed dead-3 missing

Update: Turkish helicopter crash 3 confirmed dead-3 missing


3 bodies found in mountains of eastern Turkey at chopper crash site

Istanbul, Turkey (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–Six people were aboard the helicopter when it crashed in the snowcapped, frigid mountain region of eastern Turkey on Wednesday. As reported by CNN, three bodies were found in the helicopter wreckage by rescue workers on Friday. One of the discovered dead was the news reporter, Ismail Gunes, who radioed a distress call.

Turkish political parties have halted campaign rallies since the helicopter carrying BBP party leader, Muhsin Yazicioglu, crashed on Wednesday. Weather conditions remain dangerous with the rescue party themselves, who finally located the crash site, waiting to be airlifted by helicopter transport. The fate of the three missing passengers is unknown at this time.

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