Maryland school for blind students finally settles federal asbestos violations

Maryland school for blind students finally settles federal asbestos violations


EPA assessed asbestos violation penalties to Maryland School for the Blind.

Baltimore, MD (–The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Maryland School for the Blind have finally settled federal law violations on asbestos materials management in school buildings stemming from a 2007 school inspection. The school was found to be in violation of several laws of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The AHERA requires owners and operators of buildings of private non-profit schools develop and manage asbestos containing materials on the premises and provide detailed procedures to prevent the release of toxic asbestos substances.

In 2007, the Maryland Department of the Environment found several violations during their inspection of the school building. Three of the federal violations found involve financial penalties. The school officials and mangers failed to:

-Reinspect all areas containing asbestos in each school building.
-Annually notify in writing parents, teachers, and employees of the available asbestos management plan.
-Include the school’s Russo Art Center in the asbestos management plan.

Direct and secondary exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to debilitating illnesses and fatal diseases like mesothelioma cancer. When asbestos particles are released into the air and students, teachers and parents breathe the invisible and odorless toxic substances, illnesses can develop. Asbestos related illnesses usually have a 20 year incubation period at least. The EPA claims the federal organization does not allege students or other building occupants were exposed to asbestos as a result of the federal violations. Maybe the students, teachers, employees and parents of the non-monitored asbestos areas of the school buildings will know in about 20 or so years. news for Maryland asbestos injury claims litigators.

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