Houston federal judge guilty-sexually abusing secretary!

Houston federal judge guilty-sexually abusing secretary!


Federal judge, Samuel Kent appointed by former President George H. W. Bush pleads guilty.

Houston, TX (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–The Associated Press (AP) reported Monday a federal judge has pled guilty to five sex-crime charges in court in Houston. U.S. District Judge, Samuel Kent, appointed to the bench by former President George H. W. Bush, pled guilty, in federal court, to charges of felony obstruction plus five state and federal sex charges brought by a federal grand jury in August of 2008.

The charges evolved after attorneys for the Department of Justice (DOJ) www.doj.gov began an investigation into the 19 year U.S. District Court Justice’s conduct when Cathy McBroom his former case manager filed a complaint against the judge for allegedly sexually harassing her over a four year time. His secretary also filed a complaint thus beginning an investigation by the Judicial Council of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in May of 2007.

The obstruction charge which is a felony carries a 20 year maximum prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. Judge Kent resigned his judicial position and retired immediately on Monday. The plea agreement with federal prosecuting attorneys states Kent will be sentenced, by a federal judge in court on May 11, 2009, and will not seek more than three years in prison.

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