National Group of Consumer Justice Attorneys carry the torch of justice and support this message: Barry Nace, Washington, D.C.; Mary Alexander, California; Carol Gailor, North Carolina; Amy Whiterite, Texas; Gary Roberts, Florida; and Ed Rue, Florida; America needs your support!
October 28, 2008-Justice News Flash (JNF), a legal news distribution service, is offering a free one-time opportunity for Pro-Obama voters by allowing them to have a voice. Legal and business professionals taking advantage of this one-time free event are also provided with the medium to endorse their candidate and their profession at the same time.
The upcoming presidential election is days away and voters are waiting in anticipation to cast their ballots. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the large number of Democratic and Independent supporters for presidential hopeful Barack Obama. In national polls, the number of voters supporting the Obama/Biden ticket is mounting across the country. Top legal news release site, Justice News Flash, along with esteemed national law firms, has jumped on the campaign bandwagon in an effort to show their support for the Obama/Biden Democratic ticket. Justice News Flash is offering a free one-time endorsement of Senator Obama to American law firms and businesses. Legal and business professionals, who wish to voice their political support for Senators Obama and Biden, will be given the opportunity to promote their law firm or organization while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nominee.
News Releases with a Message
Justice News Flash is seeking to provide an outlet for professionals, companies, and law firms who wish to have a voice in the upcoming presidential election. JNF, a top rated news distribution service, is aware of the economic woes law firms and businesses are facing today due to our unstable economy. Taking advantage of this one-time chance is simple; send in your article, containing a minimum of 200 words (max 400) announcing your pro-Obama support. Please include any information about you and your company or law firm in a byline. JNF will provide free distribution of your endorsement equivalent to a free mass public relations release for your company.
Justice News Flash is a resource for members of the legal community and other professions providing breaking news and announcements. JNF is offering a vehicle to distribute news information and press releases on a mass scale. The company seeks to assist all firms and businesses in achieving a higher level of recognition by assisting professionals with a unique means of increasing their online presence. Justice News Flash is encouraging voters to take advantage of this one-time opportunity. Professionals using this free news platform service, through an integrated network of online news portals, blogs and websites, have the ability to elevate their presence within the legal and business community.
Justice News Flash is also encouraging journalists, attorneys, and other interested parties in distributing breaking news and information relevant to the American legal community, visit them online today at
National Group of Consumer Justice Attorneys who approve this message: Barry Nace of Paulson and Nace, Washington, D.C., former President of the American Association for Justice(AAJ) and leading medical malpractice lawyer,; Mary Alexander of Mary Alexander & Associates, San Francisco, CA, also former president of the American Association for Justice(AAJ), a nationally recognized product liability attorney,; Carol Gailor of Gailor, Wallace & Hunt, Raleigh, N.C., Board Certified Family Law Specialist,; Amy Witherite of Eberstein & Witherite, Dallas, Texas, esteemed personal injury lawyer,; Gary Roberts of Gary Roberts & Associates of West Palm Beach, FL, Board Certified and Specializing in Civil Litigation; Ed Rue of Rue & Ziffra, Daytona Beach, FL, accomplished in Social Security Disability claims,
Justice News Flash – Pro American News Service
Heather L. Ryan, pro-American news reporter for JusticeNewsFlash, an online news distribution service providing a medium for legal and business professionals in the areas of international, national, and local breaking news, victims’ rights, civil litigation, car crash accidents, truck wrecks, SUV roll-overs, medical malpractice lawsuits, product liability and toxic tort claims, wrongful death proceedings, and personal injury legal actions.