West Nile Virus kills 35 more birds

West Nile Virus kills 35 more birds


San Diego County, California (JusticeNewsFlash.com) – As a follow-up to a previous article containing information about the spread of the West Nile Virus this summer, there have been thirty-five more birds found dead and all of which tested positive for the West Nile virus. This now bring the death toll of birds to 251 this year. The West Nile virus can be transmitted to people and other animals through bites from mosquitoes that have fed on infected birds.

County officials in California and Florida are continually urging people to avoid bites by wearing protective clothing and insect repellent when outdoors. The mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk and around standing bodies of rain or canal water.

Please report any sightings of dead birds, in order for them to be removed and disease prevented from spreading. To report dead birds or mosquito-breeding sites, call the county’s West Nile virus information line at (888) 551-INFO or visit the county’s Web site at www.sdfightthebite.com.

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