Massachusetts mesotheloma lawyer – Michael Shepard, through his compassion and expert advocacy in favor of mesothelioma cancer patients, has fought with the asbestos industry and with the people responsible for bringing ill-health to the patients suffering from deadly mesothelioma cancer. He has successfully won verdicts of millions of dollars worth of compensation for his clients who suffer from exposure to asbestos.
Clients who are suffering from mesothelioma cancer and asbestos related respiratory diseases need to act fast before it is too late. The limitation stated in the statute limits the time of filing of compensation. Due to this limitation, the patients and their families should call the mesothelioma lawyer’s office and Michael Shepard will take care of their case before its too late.
The lawyer provides a free initial consultation to his clients, at his office or any place convenient for them to meet the lawyer and explain to him the causes of the present ailing conditions. Even the families of the patients who have died from mesothelioma cancer can get the same compassion and dedicated commitment in recovering the compensation claim from the Massachusetts mesothelioma cancer lawyer.
“Patients of mesothelioma cancer and their families have the right to claim compensation,” says Michael Shepard. “As the asbestos industry has kept the harmful affects of asbestos as a big secret for their own monetary benefits. Now they should pay for the injuries caused to people who have been unknowingly exposed to asbestos.”
Mesothelioma patients and their families must get in touch with Michael Shepard who is the best mesothelioma cancer lawyer in Massachusetts.
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